Today, let’s introduce Dr. Anna Sofia Lewin, from Partner SINTEF (Norway)
Anna Sofia Lewin is a Senior Research Scientist at SINTEF, one of Europe’s largest independent research organisations and a key MetaFluidics partner. Anna belongs to the Biotechnology and Nanomedicine Sector of the Materials and Chemistry (MC) Institute. Find out more about her in this latest “Meet the MetaFluidics team” interview!
- How did you become a scientist?
I have always been interested in how things work and have been very curious since I was a child. When we started having biology (and in particular molecular and cell biology) in school, I quickly found out that this was what I liked the most and decided to study that at University. Then one thing just led to another, and here I am…
- What exactly are you working on?

I work within several different projects through my position as a researcher at SINTEF. Most of them are related to metagenomics, studying the microbiomes of different environments, i.e. everything from soil, marine habitats, aquaculture etc, and bioprospecting from such environments. I work with molecular genetics, using these tools for bioprospecting, microbiome characterization, microbiome monitoring and similar activities.
- What things give you the greatest satisfaction at work?
The feeling when you come up with an idea on how to solve a challenge you have, design the experiment, execute it, and it works beautifully…
- What is exactly your role in the MetaFluidics project?
I work as the SINTEF co-PI together with Alexander Wentzel, who is SINTEFs main PI. I do some work in the lab, mostly molecular genetic related, but merely manage SINTEF’s combined work, following status and progress as well as plan some of the experiments that we do.
- Will the MetaFluidics project change your career prospects?
No, I don’t think so, not directly anyway. As mentioned, I work on several different projects, and the impact of a single project is often limited. But the MetaFluidics project has taught me a lot about project planning and management, EU projects and how they work, as well as given me the opportunity to meet a whole group of extremely nice collaborators all around Europe, which I hope to be able to continue to collaborate with also in the future.
- A more personal question now… If you could realize a dream that you have had while asleep, what dream would you pick?
Aaa, hard question…!! I usually don’t remember my dreams, which is a pity, there is surely plenty of weird stuff there. I often dream of being more on top of things, one step ahead in everyday life, which never happens. That would be nice 😉 Apart from that, I usually dream of waking up, going out on a terrace with a cup of coffee, at some warm, nice and sunny place, just starting the day in a slow pace, but as a mother of a small one I guess that will have to wait until I grow old (LOL)…

For more information about Partner SINTEF, visit their webpage: https://www.sintef.no/en/